Exhibitor : Safetics

Interaction Safe for cobot maker

Robotic Parts

Brand : Safetics Inc. Model : -


Product Information


CEO : Shin Heon-seop

Phone Number : 0504-3105-7421

Address :

Homepage : safetics.io

About Us

Safetics Inc. develops safety intelligence for robots that are essential to human-robot coexistence. Developing safety intelligence equals instilling a human sense of safety into the robot, which allows the robot to recongize self-risk, It can also voluntarily determine the optimal motion to secure both productivity and safety. This technology is essential for cooperative robots that are rapidly emerging in the market. Cooperative robots are next-generation robots that share workplaces with workers in ultra-close proximity, complementing/replacing existing industrial robots while offering great values in service areas such as food technology, delivery, and serving. Safetics Inc. is a major contributor to safety checks that must be carried out without fences.